

03/21/2015 15:12
If you are one of those who routinely practices yoga, you have undoubtedly already noticed some of the benefits you have received. You may find yourself sleeping better and not getting as many colds; you may even find that you are more relaxed and more at ease. However, when you try to explain the benefits of yoga to a newbie, you may see a blank stare in their eyes as you talk about "increased prana flow" or how energy is flowing through your spine; they are most likely skeptical of your claims. Researchers are now beginning to understand the benefits of yoga. Western science has recently...

Yoga increases your blood flow

02/12/2015 15:13
Yoga increases blood flow. To be more specific, yoga relaxation exercises can help with your body's blood circulation, particularly in your feet and hands. As you practice yoga more oxygen is available for your cells, which allows them to function better. It is believed that twisting poses tend to bring out the venous blood from your internal organs, allowing oxygen-rich blood to return as you release the twist. When you use inverted poses, such as shoulder-stand, handstand, or headstand, the venous blood in your pelvis and legs is allowed to flow back to the heart, pumped to the lungs, and...

Yoga drains your lymph and boosts immunity

01/14/2015 15:21
  Within your body, you have a viscous rich fluid in immune cells, known as lymph. As you stretch muscles, and contract them, move in and out of various yoga postures, and move organs around, you increase the drainage of these fluids. This in turn aids the lymphatic system in fighting off infection, disposing of toxic waste products and destroying cancerous cells, all a function of cellular activity.  

Yoga Increases your heart rate

12/10/2014 15:23
Increases your heart rate Your risk of heart attack is lowered when you regularly raise your heart rate into the aerobic range; this can also relieve depression. Of course, not all yoga is aerobic, however, if you take flow or Ashtanga classes, or simply move vigorously, it is possible to increase your heart rate sufficiently to reach the aerobic range. Cardiovascular conditioning can be improved by yoga even when your heart rate is not elevated that high. The proof of improved aerobic conditioning has been shown in studies, by the lower resting heart rates found in those who practice yoga...

Yoga Lowers your blood pressure

11/12/2014 15:26
  Yoga may be very beneficial to you, if you have high blood pressure. In two separate studies of participants with hypertension, The Lancet, a British medical journal, compared lying on a couch to the effects of Savasana (Corpse Pose). There was a 26 point drop in systolic blood pressure associated with Savasana after only three months. The diastolic pressure also dropped 15 points. When the initial blood pressure was higher there was even a greater drop in these numbers.

Yoga Regulates your adrenal glands

10/15/2014 15:27
Cortisol levels are lower through the use of yoga. It may not sound like much, but take this into consideration. In an acute crisis the adrenal glands normally secrete cortisol; this gives a temporary boosts to immune function. The immune system can be compromised if, after the crisis, the cortisol levels remain high. Long-term memory receives help from temporary boosts of cortisol; however, when these levels remain high, they can effect memory and may even lead to changes within the brain that are permanent. In addition, there is a link to major depression and osteoporosis when there is...

Yoga Makes you happier

09/10/2014 15:27
The simple act of sitting in lotus position can help when you're feeling sad. Better still, put yourself in a King Dancer pose or a backbend. Of course, it's not that simple, but it has been found through a study that the consistent practice of yoga significantly increases serotonin levels and improves depression. Further, it was found that levels of monoamine oxidase (an enzyme which breaks down neurotransmitters) and cortisol are lowered. Richard Davidson, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin, discovered the left prefrontal cortex was showing greater activity in meditators. This is a...

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June 15th, 2015, October 20th, 2015

Detox & Yoga in Thailand

Post Detox

As essential because the detox itself, these square measure the times after you introduce solids into your system. twiddling my thumbs and remember. you will be shocked to grasp that the primary few bites don't feel nearly as good as you imagine.

Some individuals feel to a small degree of tension moreover. keep positive and keep clear, this can be a time of reflection and find.

Your body are going to be additional sensitive than ever before and it's the proper time to begin listening seriously and establish what things fit your body and what does not suit it therefore well.

If you opt to interrupt your detox program early post detox food is enclosed. NO REFUNDS GIVEN

Basic parts five day yoga retreat

Five days of intense yoga. This distinctive course covers the essential parts of yoga, as well as the eight limbs of yoga, philosophy, postures and alignment.

Chakra healing ten day yoga retreat

Builds upon the five day basic parts and introduces self discovery and self healing, through the exploration of your main seven inner energy centers (Chakras).

These straightforward nevertheless powerful techniques square measure for all skills and designed to heal on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and religious. you'll learn ways that to invigorate your observe and basic skills for cleansing, energizing and reconciliation your energy centers.

30 days Ashtanga + three day detox

Four weeks to immerse yourself within the world of Ashtanga. Learn, perceive and apply the idea behind the eight limbs of yoga and set the foundations for a long journey of discovery.

During the primary week you'll set the pace, the rhythm and cleanse your body with a 3 day detox. Your posture observe takes place each morning; learn the idea and most of the philosophy you'll develop within the following weeks.

Visit our website for more info on Detox in Thailand.

Food and Drinks

There are foods and drinks that are pushed at us every day that are loaded with junk that our bodies don’t need and can cause our bodies to stop working when we consume them. When you stop allowing these things into your life it will be easier to commit to detox.

Eliminate as much of the toxins that you consume as possible. That means to cut back on the refined sugar, caffeine loaded beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, Trans fats and saturated fats because they overload your system with garbage that your body then has to filter out in order to function.


Next, you will want to look at changing your household cleaners to organic or all natural alternatives so that you don’t introduce the nasty chemicals that are in them into your body while you are cleansing. Don’t forget to change to all natural alternatives for your personal hygiene products as well. Anything that is going to touch your body or you will need to touch to use needs to be chemical free or as close to it as you can get.

Detoxification Process

There are a lot of detox programs to choose from, depending on which one you are going to use you would want to fully understand what it entails before you start it. Once you have successfully completed your detox, there are things that you can do on a daily basis in order to keep yourself on the detox path.

Dec 9, 2015

Comparison between Yoga, Stretching and Other Forms of Fitness?


Unlike stretching or fitness, Yoga is different from stretching or any other form of fitness. Yoga is not just an ordinary physical posture. Patanjali’s eight-fold path demonstrates how the physical practice is just an arm of yoga. Yoga is special, even within the physical practice because it helps to connect the movement of our body and mind to the rhythm of our breath. It interconnects our breath, mind and body; helping us to channel our attentions internally. 






By this process of internal attention, we learn to identify our usual thinking patterns without tagging, judging them, or even making attempt to change them. We become more conscious of our experiences every second. The consciousness we develop is what makes Yoga a practice, rather than a normal routine task or a goal to be accomplished. Your body becomes much more flexible by practicing Yoga, and also your mind.

Click the following link to  visit our website for more info on Yoga in Thailand



Yoga Retreat Thailand

65/4 Moo 8, Surat Thani
Koh Phangan,

+66 77 374 310